Cloud Computing

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Are you tired of repurchasing and reinstalling new software every time an upgrade is required? Are you frustrated by the rising costs associated with replacing computers and servers to accommodate the ever-growing amount of applications and data you use daily and may be required to archive?

Cloud computing is the answer.

Cloud computing offers businesses flexibility, reliability, security, accessibility, and scalability. Tailored to the specific needs of your business, costs can also be budgeted as a monthly expense, so you are not forced to incur excessive upfront costs.

The many advantages to ACT’s cloud computing solutions include:

  • 24/7/365 anywhere, anytime access
  • Increased employee productivity
  • Immediate remote IT support
  • Highly secure and reliable
  • Automated data backup and archiving
  • Efficient email hosting
  • Wireless networking and remote device synchronization
  • Adaptable to new applications and software
  • Efficient file storage and sharing
  • Unlimited capacity
  • No server equipment or space needed on-site
  • Significantly lower IT expenditures annually

How ACT Can Help Your Business Convert to the Cloud

With ACT as your technology partner, your network infrastructure, systems, applications and data are maintained by certified experts and engineers within an enterprise-class data center. The environment is customizable, secure and designed to meet and exceed the constantly changing demands of users and customers.
Often working in tandem with our Managed IT Services, ACT’s state-of-the-art cloud computing services give business owners additional peace of mind that their IT systems and networks are always running smoothly and securely.

Need help deciding if cloud computing is right for you? Contact ACT for a complimentary assessment that will leave you feeling confident about whichever decision you make.

How We Help Businesses Thrive

Managed IT Services

Security Solutions

Co-Managed IT Services

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Network Services & Support

Cloud Computing

Improve and grow your business with a smarter IT solution.